Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MARY KAY MelaCep Whitening System

MaryKay MelaCEP Whitening System dirumus khas untuk kulit orang Asia bagi membantu meneutralkan unsur-unsur yang boleh menjadikan nada kulit anda kelihatan tidak sekata dan tidak bermaya. Mary Kay telah menguji sistem ini ke atas lebih 400 orang wanita Asia dan meminta mereka memberitahu kami tentang faedah yang disaksikan mereka selepas menggunakan produk itu

FOAMING CLEANSER RM120 (100g) - Formula berkrim ini bercampur dengan air untuk menanggalkan kotoran dan minyak berlebihan secara lembut

FRESHENER/PELEMBAB RM120(100ml)- Melengkapkan proses membersih, menjadikan kulit berasa segar dan lembut

ESSENCE RM230(30ml) - Serum yg cepat menyerap ini membantu mengembalikan kejernihan kulit. Pembungkusan inovatif memastikan formula yg mengandungi askorbil glukosida berada dlm keadaan sifar udara bagi mengekalkan keberkesanannya.

DAY MOISTURIZER WITH SPF 15 RM170(30ml) - Melindungi kulit yg terdedah kepada UV pd siang hari dgn formula pelembapan. Potensi formula yg mengandungi askorbil glukosida utk faedah pemutihan dikekalkan dlm pam sifar udara

NIGHT CREAM RM170(30g) -Manjakan kulit anda dgn krim mewah ini ketika tidur. Formula yg mengandungi askorbil glukosida ini membekalkan ramuan pencerahan semasa kulit anda memerlukannya utk memulih dan membaharui diri

DARK SPOT SERUM RM170(10ml) - Pembungkusan dgn bebuli penggelek memudahkan pemakaian serum jernih secara langsung pd bintik hitam akan oudar jika di pakai berterusan. Formula yg amat berkesan ini mengandungi askorbil glukosida

MASK RM160(85g) - Masker kaya lembapan ini menjadikan kulit lebih cerah dan berasa lebih lembut dan licin


Untuk menampilkan kulit yang lebih cerah
Mengurangkan tompok hitam dan membalikkan penyahwarnaan kulit
Mengandungi penghalang matahari, antioksida , ramuan pemutihan, dan penganjalkan kulit.
Amat sesuai untuk mereka yang menginginkan kulit yang cantik, cerah dan berseri

The MelaCEP™ Whitening System combines the science of innovation with the
power of nature to target the multiple reasons for uneven skin tone.


Protect against UV damage
A combination of highly effective broad-spectrum sunscreens contained in Day Moisturizer With SPF 15 helps protect skin from sun damage. The product also contains antioxidants to help protect skin from environmental exposure.

Help keep cells from producing melanin
The brown pigment that becomes visible on the surface of the skin. When skin is exposed to environmental stress, the damaged cells send signals that cause the melanocytes to start producing melanin. The MelaCEP™ Whitening System contains ingredients that help reduce the levels of certain proteins that are critical to cell communication, interrupting the signals that can result in melanin production.

Help regulate the MITF gene critical for pigment synthesis
The MITF gene provides instructions for making a protein that ultimately helps control the production of certain enzymes like tyrosinase and TRP1. The MelaCEP™ Whitening System contains ingredients that help regulate the activity of these enzymes, controlling the development and function of pigment-producing cells called melanocytes. This potentially reduces the key proteins responsible for making pigment.

Help inhibit the activity of tyrosinase
This system contains the potent ingredient ascorbyl glucoside, which is known to be a powerful tyrosinase inhibitor. Inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase is critical because it is an enzyme that converts the simple amino acid tyrosine into melanin.

Help inhibit the transfer of melanin to the skin’s surface
After melanin-filled melanosomes are transferred to the keratinocytes, they travel upwards to the skin’s surface, causing uneven pigmentation to appear. The MelaCEP™ Whitening System contains ingredients that work together to help reduce this transfer of melanin to the surface of the skin.

THE POWER OF NATURE (Ingredients in MelaCEP Whitening system)

Mary Kay skin care scientists researched ingredients from around the world to select the most powerful, most effective and safest ingredients to reduce and address uneven skin tone.
At the heart of the system is the MelaCEP™ Whitening Complex, a patent-pending blend of four key ingredients that is a part of every product’s formula:
The MelaCEP™ Whitening Complex, working together with 13 other botanical extracts plus sunscreen ingredients, enables the MelaCEP™ Whitening System to deliver multitargeted benefits.

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